I think the problem might be that you are comparing your accomplishments to those of others, and that makes you think yours are not as good. That is a bad way of looking at it, as it just makes you feel like you aren't getting anywhere.

I just hit 1000 subscribers recently, and for me that's great. However, if I compared myself to Matt Taibbi or some other bigger writers, it's just a few leaves in a forest. You see what I mean? I try to take the attitude that you should let others have their achievements, and you have yours.

Social comparisons can be dangerous, so beware of them.

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Well for me it's not so much comparing to other artists, I get hung up about the numbers because I am trying to earn a living from my art and without the numbers there's no money. I am generally pretty good at not comparing my work with other artists in the creative sense or the popularity sense. I am just painfully aware that if I don't have a following there will be no money to put back into my creative efforts.

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I see, gotcha. Well, perhaps you need to adjust your content then? Have you run a survey for your readers here on Substack? You can do that in the Settings I believe. I have not tried it yet, but it might be worth doing.

I am not sure if youtube offers surveys, but you might want to look into it.

If you can nail down your audience more, you might get some bigger numbers.

Good luck, keep us posted! 👍🏻

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I'm very new to Substack, do not even have enough readers yet to survey. The writing thing is something I am doing to develop a more consistent habit of writing. Audience building is quite difficult when you do not have a very defined niche, that is something I am still working on. I have always just made my way as a filmmaker and musician doing work and gigs locally. Unfortunately that has dried up since the covid lockdowns so I am exploring new ways to build income streams as a content creator. Still very much in the learning and experimenting stage.

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