Angels and Demons or Dark and Light Energy?
999 words on possession as emotional addiction in disguise
People tend to think of angels and demons in biblical terms, the believers see them as genuine spiritual beings and the non believers see them as religious fictions.
I like to see angels and demons through a different frame.
A frame that can fit both the theistic and non-theistic viewpoint, is to see them as forms of energy or vibrations. There is dark energy and light energy, there are low vibrations and high vibrations. These are all things we can experience on an emotional and spiritual level as humans.
Everyone has a general understanding of what I mean when I say that something has a dark or light energy, everyone can relate on a spiritual level to things which have a high vibrational quality or a low vibrational quality.
We’ve all been in a room that had “good vibes” and we have all experienced a room where you could “cut the tension with a knife” as well, the two feel very different.
So if we see demons as occupying a low vibrational state and angels as occupying a high vibrational state then we can give them a more relatable frame from an anthropomorphic point of view.
When someone is coming from a place of fear, anger, resentment, jealousy, etc. they are operating more in the demonic realm.
By contrast, when a person is coming from a place of love, kindness, empathy, joy, etc. they operating in the angelic realm.
All humans are capable of being angelic or demonic depending on their mental, emotional and spiritual state.
These emotions can be very addictive - sadness and rage can be every bit as addictive as joy and love. Often times, the darker emotions can be more addictive - I know from personal experience that rage and anger can feel quite good, they can get your adrenaline flowing and produce a rush every bit as enticing as the dopamine hits you get from feelings of love and happiness.
If we are to look at the concept of demonic possession using this framework, then we could say that rather than being possessed, a person is highly addicted to the feelings they get from being in the dark energy states of the demonic realms. If we look at possession as a form of addiction - addiction to feelings of anger, rage, hate, envy, bitterness and cruelty - perhaps we can also reframe how we might approach the exorcism of such feelings.
Now I do not know if there are demons that can, in fact, possess individual souls, I remain agnostic on that idea. But I do know that emotional and mental states are very real and can emerge from a low vibrational state. Very often, people who are addicted to operating in those realms can seem like they are possessed, they can operate in the world “as if” they were demons. As a matter of fact, I have personally taken to referring to such people as demons just because the word seems to be a better description of the archetype. They are not operating from a normal human emotional baseline, they are clearly disturbed and mentally unbalanced.
If it looks like a demon and acts like a demon, let’s call it a demon.
We have also known people who are operating from the complete opposite side of the spectrum, people who appear to have infinite patience, empathy, gratitude and love for everyone. These people are, unfortunately, a lot more rare in this world but they do exist. However rare such archetypes may be, I would say that we are all capable of operating from an angelic vibration on occasion.
I will relate a personal anecdote here as an example:
One day I was driving during rush hour with a couple of friends on a busy street, we were at a red light behind an old guy in a half ton who had a big load of lumber on the back. When the light turned green he stepped on the gas a little too hard and all his lumber slid off the back. Without even thinking, I put my car in park, put on my blinkers and my friends and I jumped out and helped that old dude load all of the lumber back on his truck quick as a whistle.
He was so grateful he hugged us all and kissed my nephew on the forehead and said “my angels, you saved me!”
Now anyone who knows us knows that we ain’t no angels, but in that moment for that old man who was in a crisis, we were. And we “FELT” like angels for a few minutes after, we all had a good laugh, we had done a good deed and the endorphins were flowing.
I could also relate a number of examples from my personal life when whiskey and rage turned me into a demon. Those are moments that felt shameful, moments where the darkest realm had a sturdy grasp on my ego.
All of us have the potential to be angels or demons within us, it is the choices we make on a day to day, minute to minute basis that decide which realm we are leaning towards as a human being.
If you are in a really dark place, if you are feeling drawn to and addicted to the darker energies and lower vibrations, then it may be time to perform an exorcism on yourself and rid yourself of the demon that has attached itself to your soul. Religious people will take a religious approach and non-theistic types will take a more psychological / self help approach.
I don’t care which approach you take, long as you get that demon out of you.
I have spent half a century battling a seemingly endless war with my demons.
It only occurred to me recently that, instead of battling my demons, I should be at play with my angels.
This makes a lot of sense. Thank you very much.